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You Can Help With The Holiday $50,000 Challenge Grant

This has been a challenging year in which Marbridge residents have adapted and found ways to thrive, not without the help of amazing employees and everyone who supports the Marbridge mission. Marbridge has absorbed additional costs with the curve balls this year has thrown and The Allen Family Foundation stepped forward with an appropriately named opportunity . . . The Holiday Challenge Grant. The family foundation has watched the Marbridge campus overcome the challenges the global pandemic has dished out and wants to encourage others to join them to help alleviate the burden COVID-19 has brought.
Integrated and innovative is the approach that Marbridge has always taken in creating the campus and designing programs for each individual to thrive. It’s the approach that allowed our staff to, almost seamlessly, assist residents in transitioning to safely remain exclusively on campus right now. These amazing staff helped residents, who can typically have high levels of anxiety during change, transition to new schedules, new activities, and a virtual way of communicating with loved ones. Our Training & Education staff adjusted teaching and began new programs and classes for more residents who remain on campus between semesters and during holidays. Medical personnel displayed the highest level of care through immediate action planning, securing personal protective equipment, and transitioning protocols for the entire campus during this pandemic.
Join the Allen Family Foundation this Holiday Season in recognizing our amazing employees. Make your gift toward the Challenge Grant today to keep the founding values of safety, well-being, and happiness at the forefront of Marbridge’s mission. Your support helps us provide more to our amazing employees while also allowing residents to thrive and age-in-place for a lifetime.
P.S. When making your donation online, choose “Challenge Grant” in the drop-down menu. Make checks out to Marbridge, put “Challenge Grant” in the memo line, and mail to:
When making your donation online, choose “Challenge Grant” in the drop-down menu. Make checks out to Marbridge, put “Challenge Grant” in the memo line, and mail to: